Qgis For Mac Os Sierra


QGIS is a Free and Open Source Geographic Information System. With this software you can create, edit, visualise, analyse and publish geospatial information on Windows, Mac, Linux, BSD (Android coming soon) Mac OS X installers for QGIS. For OS X Mt Lion and newer. Install the Current version to stay up to date on features. QGIS Desktop QGIS is the leading Free and Open Source Desktop GIS. It allows you to create, edit, visualise, analyse and publish geospatial information on Windows, Mac OS, Linux, BSD and Android (via the QField app). We also provide an OGC Web Server application, a web browser client and developer libraries.

For Windows installers please go toThe main installers page.

For new users we recommend the standalone installers.

For more advanced QGIS users you can use OSGeo4W packages, which make itpossible to install several versions in parallel.

The OSGeo4W repository contains a lot of software from OSGeo projects.QGIS and all dependencies are included, along with Python, GRASS, GDAL, etc.The installer is able to install from internet or just download all neededpackages beforehand.The downloaded files are kept in a local directory for future installations.Steps are:

  • Download OSGeo4W Installer (32 bit or64 bit) and start it

  • Select Advanced Install,

  • navigate to the Desktop section

  • and pick one or more of the following packages:




    Don't starve online. 描述

    Latest Release

    3.16.x Hannover​



    qgis-rel-dev 14

    Stellar interface trainer. Nightly build of the upcoming point release

    Long Term ReleaseRepository

    3.10.x A CoruñaLTR



    qgis-ltr-dev 24

    Nightly build of the upcoming point long term release


    3.17 master

    qgis-dev 34

    Nightly build of the development version


Latest release nightlies SHA: 32 bit , 64 bit


Latest long-term release nightlies SHA: 32 bit , 64 bit

Qgis For Mac Os Sierra

Qgis For Mac Os Sierra Installer

Master nightlies SHA: 32 bit , 64 bit


Nightlies are debug builds (including debugging output)

Note the warning.

Qgis For Mac Os Sierra Version


Qgis For Mac Os Sierra 10.12

Don't blindly do a full install of OSGeo4W. Only install QGIS andmaybe other components you like. Dependencies will be includedautomatically. A full install pulls in components that require third partyadditions, which need to be installed manually. These components render theinstallation unusable without those additions.