Moonbase Alpha Port Forward
Moonbase Alpha is a video game that provides a realistic simulation of life on a natural satellite based on potential Moon base programs. It was made by the Army Game Studio, developers of America's Army, and Virtual Heroes, Inc. In conjunction with NASA Learning Technologies. If Moonbase Alpha often crashes to the desktop, try to reduce quality of the graphics. It is possible that your PC just does not have enough performance and the game may not work correctly. Also, it is worth to check out for updates - most of today's games have the automatic patches installation system on startup if internet connection is. Located in the Moon crater Plato and constructed out of quarried rock and ores, Moonbase Alpha is four kilometres in diameter and extends up to one kilometre in areas below the lunar surface.
This guide attempts to walk through the entire game providing the location and tips for all the achievements and collectibles / scan items.

This guide attempts to walk through each chapter of the game pointing out where the dossier entries are as well as give pointers to some of the achievements. As over half of the achievements are awarded through solving the game, those (hopefully) will be achieved without specific instruction on this guide.
Fesenkov Launch Site (FLS)
In front of you is Moonman Issue #1 “Far Crossing”. Picking this up and reading it is required for the Cosmic Marveller achievement (1 of 5 [6?]). There is one comic in each chapter.
Pick up the space suit and hit [Tab] for the Astrotool. This will give you progress on your mission as well as a listing of the current state of dossiers.
There are a few articles to review for background flavor, but none required for the achievements.
“The Mission” #1 “MPT Network Dish” (scan). In front of us on the way to the main building is our first scanable item, a dish in the sand.
“The Johanson Family #1. “A Mother Lost” (scan). If we pop into the trailer on the left, we can see on the left a memorial to Elizabeth Johanson.
“The Mission” #2 “Sputnick Monument” (scan) Exiting out and proceeding to the building, there is a monument to Sputnik.
Easter Egg: If you look to the right of the monument, there is a model rocket you can launch.
You can try to open the door, but it will short. Climb up the ladder and turn the valve, then return to the elevator.
Once inside, turn on your flashlight. You will need a code to open the door.
hint:Doesn’t everyone keep their pass codes on yellow stickies?
Once inside, you can pull a switch to raise the blinds for a view. Proceed further inside.
ACHIEVEMENT: “You Spin Me Right Round”. hint:In the office, there are objects you can interact with. answer:keep spinning the globe it until achievement is unlocked
“The Mission” #3 “Fortuna” (scan) – scan the whiteboard in the office.
“The Malfunction” #1 “Maria’s Broken ASE Unit” (scan) . In the next room there is an ASE unit on a workbench.
In the next room, move the gurney away from the door and proceed inside. Turn on your flashlight and continue upstairs to the cafeteria.
“The Mission” #4. “Last Minute Check-up” (audio). Walk through the ‘audio file’ to trigger the playback.
“The Johanson Family” #2. “Claire’s Rocket Model” (scan). In front and to the left of the audio file.
Go up the stairs to the control room and reboot power.
Exit the control room and enter the main rocket area.
On the left and right of the rocket there are ladders leading to the hydrogen control wheels. Take either side, climb the ladder and turn the wheel. Get down and approach the other one. The ladder will break.
Hint:Wasn’t there something you encountered on your way here that would help in this situation?
Answer Call up the elevator and get that ladder from below up here.
Once both valves are closed go back inside.
Turn the key, wait for the cutscene to end and then high tail it to the rocket. 90 seconds may not seem much, but as soon as you climb the last ladder to the rocket, the first timer will end.
Follow the instructions to the left for lift off.
Before leaving Earth, you might want to consider getting two achievements…
ACHIEVEMENT: “In the Nick Of Time”. Wait until a few seconds (I think 5 or less) before reaching for the final ladder up to the rocket.
ACHIEVEMENT: “Houston, We’ve Had A Problem”. Once in the cockpit, find a few creative ways to screw up the launch.
Pearson Spacestation (PS)
Ever wanted to dock a capsule into a space station? Well, this is your chance.We start the chapter with a relaxing (well, relaxing if you don’t stomp on the “W” gas) mini-game to try and get the ‘meatball’ into the target. Once docked, we experience a little weightlessness and some light oxygen depravation. Don’t worry, there is enough oxygen to get around.So, this is where one of the most easily missed scan items lives.

“The Johanson Family” #3 “MPT Tansmitter” (scan). Like I said, this is a ‘blink and you miss it” item.So, what follows is a mini-puzzle complicated by the fact that you are floating through the air and on limited oxygen. I will describe the actions, but you will need a few ‘trial and errors’ to nail this down.
In the first section, there is a He3 battery. Find it and bring it to the receptacle in the red corridor. This will open up the door to the space station (and expose an oxygen canister). To the left you will find another battery. Bring it to the inside of the air lock door (to open it from the inside) and take the outer battery back inside. Plug that in to the left of the computer screen. Take the battery holding the airlock open from the inside and plug it into the right side of the computer screen. Now you should be able to reboot and restore oxygen to the station. And, along the way there is plenty of oxygen canisters in the room to the right to keep you refilled while you are proceeding with this task.
ACHIEVEMENT: “Gasping For Air”. Although there are many opportunities to get this in the game, here might be an excellent time to try and earn this achievement. Simply hold off in the ‘room of many oxygen canisters’ until you have a few seconds of air left.
Once power has been restored, you can drop down a door that opened below the computer screen.
“The Blackout” #1 “Descent” (audio) can be found in the elevator room.
“The Blackout” #2 “Pearson Space Elevator” (scan) can be found in the elevator room.
Proceed out the door facing PYXIS and down to LYBRA. The door to SLEEP QUARTERS should be open enough for you to enter.
“The Blackout” #3 “Preparations” (audio). Inside Sarah’s room there is an audio file.
“The Malfunction” #2 “Cryosleep Machinery” (scan) – Inside Rolf’s room there is a floating piece of machinery.
ACHIEVEMENT: “Moonbear” hint: What was Rolf using that telescope for?. Answer: . Look through the scope long enough and you will see a space bear float by
ACHIEVEMENT: Cosmic Marveller (2/5). In Rolf’s room – Issue #2 “First Contact”.
Use the code to get into the control center. hint: What was that about yellow sticky notes and pass codes?. Answer:In Rolf’s room, 2539
Use the console in the Control Room to [Diagnose the MPT Network], then [Contact moon base].
ACHIEVEMENT: Have A Seat: Hint: You see that chair floating in front of you to your left? That could be useful Answer Push the chair through the Orion airlock once opened.
Proceed into the corridor and play a mini-game to open the airlock with the laser. Hit the airlock button and proceed to get the laser and open the door. Proceed to cut your way through the maze (collecting oxygen as necessary) until you get to the airlock and enter Orion.
“The Blackout” #4 Blackout (audio) – just as you enter Orion.
Proceed through the maze of storage.
“Outward” #1 “Orion Wing Plate (scan) – Towards the end of the maze there is a scan item on the left.
In maintenance, cut the hatch, enter the room turn left twice and cut the fuse at the end of the room (you might have to move a panel away from the fuse). Proceed back out the hatch and into maintenance.
What follows is an every increasingly difficult mini-game in which you have to retrieve the batteries from each compartment, plug them into the Rotation Engine 3 holder and then turn the wheel to get to the next compartment.
Even though you get ‘life support’ warnings, this isn’t a ‘loss of oxygen’ situation – yet. Make your way back to Lybra, through the sleep quarters back to the Control Room. Use the control panel to [Activate rotation engine] and hold onto your socks. Things are about to go south in a hurry.
What follows is a race against time unplanned space walk. First you have to hit the “F” key to grab at the first large piece of debris you can grab. 9mm silencer plans. Then you have to follow the oxygen canisters and red outlined pathway markers until you can use your laser to open the door and gain access to the elevator, mash down the activate button and strap yourself in to the ride down to the moon base.
Whew, what a ride!
Copernicus Moonhub (CM)
First order of business is to use the console on the inner ring to [Open Doors] to gain access to the base proper.
As you exit the elevator, look down at the ‘main hall’ – there is a large stone monument at the end of the room. More on that later. Also, if you glance to your left, you will see a blue outline of a person. This will also be important later. For now, proceed through the doorway with the audio recording.
“The Blackout” #5 “Arrival” (audio).
and enter the Issac’s bedroom (2nd door on the right).
“The Johanson Family” #4 “Kathy’s Place” (scan) a small bunk area in the back right of Issac’s bedroom.
There is some more back story items in William and Rosa’s room, but nothing regarding achievements or dossier entries.
You can look at the podium for notes on a speech you will hear later.
As you turn the corner into the council’s office area, both William and Issac’s offices are locked, but Rosa’s office contains the first hologram you will see as well as the Rosa’s broken ASE.
“Outward” #2 “Conspirator’s Dissent” (holo). As you approach the ASE, the hologram will autoplay.
Pick up the ASE unit and carry it out of Council and into Maintenance. Place the unit in the repair bay and then follow the instructions to find replacement parts to repair the unit. While playing seek the parts around the room, you might as well blast that cover off that conduit Once the network comms have been fixed, the ASE will show a busted thruster. The parts for that are in Issac’s workshop…while there note the back power generator with an ASE activation port. Fix the ASE thruster. Use the console to [Reboot] the unit (which will overload power). Say hello to your new ‘little friend’ and then use him to go through the piping, into Issac’s workplace and then turn power back on.
“The Johanson Family” #5 “Growth Chart” (scan) – After the ASE is active, to the left of the back door is Kathy’s growth chart.
“The Johanson Family” #6 “A Father’s Plight” (holo) – Enter Issac’s workplace and view Issac’s last message to Claire.
Use the ASE to exit Maintenance.
“The Blackout” #6 “Witnesses” (audio)
“The Malfunction” #3 “Huygens Memorial Stone” – head into the great hall to the back and scan the stone monument.
“Outward” #3 “Trinity” (holo) – *very* easy to miss. Walk past CREW QUARTERS to a stairway leading to the second floor. There you will see the council have a meeting about ‘Outward’ with Rosa continuing to express doubts.
Now in the inner hub, pull the battery powering MAINTENANCE and instead power CREW QUARTERS.
ACHIEVEMENT “Not A Scratch” – In the CREW QUARTERS lives an evil ASE that tries to shock you. If you can get to the battery without getting shocked, you unlock this achievement.
“The Blackout” #7 “A Stray Chair” (scan).
Entering CREW QUARTERS triggers a lockdown. Ooopsie.
ACHIEVEMENT: Cosmic Marveller (3/5) – Issue #3 “The Bridge”. Located in C3.
“The Blackout” #8 “Confrontation” (audio) – outside security.
“Outward” #4 “Bunk Beds (scan) – down in the common area are a lot of sleeping mats. One set is scanable.
Use the key code to enter security. Hint: Where can the code be? Have you checked each room? Hint: In B1 there is a clue. Answer: 2032 – as on the posters
Time to play sprint and seek with the evil ASE. Run to each pillar. If lucky, you will get the achievement…if not, try and try again. After 3 turns, you will have access to the battery powering the unit (and coincidentally the 2nd battery needed to power up the VEHICLE BAY).
Bring the battery to the inner hub, plug it into one of the VEHICLE BAY slots and move the battery from the CREW QUARTERS into the other VEHICLE BAY slot.
Now it is time to drive on the moon!
First thing to note is that all doors are activated by having all 6 wheels on each of the pads.
Before we get underway, lets talk achievements:
ACHIEVEMENT: Stargazer – easy enough. Just sit in your rover for 30 minutes looking at stars and drinking beer.
ACHIEVEMENT: Among the stars – hint: somewhere around here there is a famous eagle. answer The bottom of the Apollo 11 LEM can be found if you follow the monorail tracks
With that out of the way, trigger the two vehicle airlocks and head towards the blue diamonds markers. You will find 2 MPT towers that you have to climb and then use a mini-game to align the dishes.
When that is done, head back to the moon hub.
Inside, return to the console and [Diagnose MPT]. Then [Power Systems].
“Outward” #5. “The Great Leap Forward” (holo) – in the main hall
“Outward” #6. “The Burdens of Adherence” (holo) – at the monorail station before boarding the train.
Head back out to the VEHICLE BAY and up to the monorail. Take the train to the next stop.
“Sarah’s Journey” #1 “Departure” (audio) – played as exiting CM for the outpost.
Copernicus Outpost (CO)
“Sarah’s Journey” #2 “Leaving Breadcrumbs” (audio) – approaching vehicle repair bay
“Sarah’s Journey” #3 “Broken Tire” – in the vehicle repair bay.
Get the code for the room upstairs.
Hint is there anyplace for an ASE to go?
Hint If it is too high, is there anything that can help me?
Answer Pull the ladder over to the laserable vent, open it and send the ASE through
Go back upstairs and use the code 1881 on the door to Frank’s quarters.
ACHIEVEMENT: Cosmic Marveller #4 “Dawn of the Colony” – in Frank’s room on one of the shelves by the bed.
Use the same code to unlock the computer and [Open Monorail Doors], then [Unlock Maintenance]
“Outward” #8 “Stockpile of Helium-3” (scan) on the way to maintenance
“Abandonment” #2 “T-Minus” (holo) – in maintenance, before sending ASE out.
Send the ASE out and play a mini game to trigger all 4 units blue. Each control toggles 2 or 3 units simultaneously.
Once all units have been turned blue, head out through the airlock.
“Abandonment” #3 – “Torn Cables” (scan) Behind those units is a walkway.
Go back to the monorail station and take the train to Reinhold.
Reinhold Crater (RC)
Once stopped, we are in airless station needing to power up the airlock.
“Sarah’s Journey” #4 “Worn Astronaut Suit” (scan) just before lasering the door, to the left is one of Sarah’s suits in a locker. Scan it.
Open the door, climb and laser open the hatch (you might as well top off on oxygen). Drop down, replace the dead cell with the live one. The lockers have extra oxygen.
PROTIP: Pick up the dead battery and carry it with you into Reinhold – this is your ‘companion cube’ – you will see why in a while.
Leave the door, head to the airlock but wait outside the live wires. (C-ASE) Send your ASE back to the power room, have him turn off power, (C-you) walk through the now dead wires, (C-ASE) have the ASE turn power back on, (C-you) activate the airlock and walk in (with the battery in tow). Your faithful ASE will teleport back to your side. (Remember to drop the dead cell while operating the ASE and airlock control).
ACHIEVEMENT: Cosmic Marveller #5* – Hope and Despair – as you walk in, head for the lockers in front of you. The comic is sitting on a chest between the 6 lockers. * I am unsure with the Tombaugh release, if this 5th comic will trigger the achievement or the 6th issue is needed. I got the achievement when there were only 5 chapters.
“Abandonment” #4 “Tea Party” (scan) – at the top of the stairs
“Abandonment” #5 “Out of the Blue” (holo) – at the top of the stairs
Remember to bring your dead battery through the door.
“The Malfunction” #4 “Edgar’s Hunch (scan) – by the console on the whiteboard.
“Abandonment” #6 “One Flew” (holo) – by the console
Go to the console and [Diagnose MPT] then [Open bay doors]
Go through the airlock to SURFACE OPS.
“Abandonment” #7 “Into the Dark” (holo)
Drop the cell off the side onto the surface.
Get into the beetle. When the beetle descends to the surface, you should have enough air to grab the dead cell, sprint to the tower on the right; place the cell near the entrance (where the buggy’s wheels activate the door); then sprint back to the buggy. Why will become clear in a little bit.
Once back in the buggy, drive to the tower on the left.
Before you solve the align MPT mini-game, be prepared to get to the last tower as fast as possible. The goal is to gain the achievement “Goodbye, Old Friend”. If you can gain the achievement and align the MPT on the first try, great. But for now we will focus on the achievement.
Align the first MPT dish.
After the cut scene, drive the buggy over to the 6 pads on the 2nd tower to open the tower door and then place the dead battery as close to the back of the buggy as you can. Then enter the tower to create a save point. You can try to solve the tower (you might not have enough time), but the crashing tower should trigger the achievement.
ACHIEVEMENT: “Goodbye, Old Friend” – kill the dead battery found at the beginning of the chapter with the falling tower near the end of the chapter.
When respawned, you have 2 minutes to climb up and align the tower – piece of cake.
After the fall, you have a run and scoop (oxygen) drill to get back to Reinhold.
Once back in, all that is left is to go to the console to [Activate Monorail]; watch Sarah’s hologram; and enjoy the ride to Tombaugh.
“Sarah’s Journey” #5 “A Sliver Of Hope” (holo) – automatically plays after the monorail is activated.
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If Moonbase Alpha crashes, Moonbase Alpha will not start, Moonbase Alpha not installing, there are no controls in Moonbase Alpha, no sound in game, errors happen in Moonbase Alpha – we offer you the most common ways to solve these problems.
Be sure to update your graphics card drivers and other software
Before letting out all of your bad feelings toward development team, do not forget to go to the official website of your graphics card manufacturer and download the latest drivers. There are often specially prepared optimized drivers for specific game. You can also try to install a past versions of the driver if the problem is not solved by installing the current version. It is important to remember that only the final version of the video card driver must be loaded – try not to use the beta version, since they can have some terrible bugs.
Do not also forget that for good game operation you may need to install the latest version DirectX, which can be found and downloaded from official Microsoft website.
Moonbase Alpha not starting
Many of the problems with games launching happen because of improper installation. Check, if there was any error during installation, try deleting the game and run the installer again, but before install don’t forget to disable antivirus – it may often mistakenly delete files during installation process. It is also important to remember that the path to the folder with a game should contain only Latin characters and numbers.
You also have to check whether there is enough space on the HDD for installation. You can also try to run the game as an administrator in compatibility mode with different versions of Windows.
Moonbase Alpha crashes. Low FPS. Friezes. Hangs
Your first solution to this problem install new drivers for a video card. This action can drastically rise game FPS. Also, check the CPU and memory utilization in the Task Manager (opened by pressing CTRL + SHIFT + ESCAPE). If before starting the game you can see that some process consumes too many resources - turn off the program or simply remove this process from Task Manager.
Next, go to the graphics settings in the game. First – turn off anti-aliasing and try to lower the setting, responsible for post-processing. Many of them consume a lot of resources and switching them off will greatly enhance the performance, and not greatly affect the quality of the picture.
Moonbase Alpha crashes to the desktop
If Moonbase Alpha often crashes to the desktop, try to reduce quality of the graphics. It is possible that your PC just does not have enough performance and the game may not work correctly. Also, it is worth to check out for updates - most of today's games have the automatic patches installation system on startup if internet connection is available. Check to see whether this option is turned off in the settings and switch it on if necessary.
Black of black screen in the Moonbase Alpha
The most common issue with black screen is a problem with your GPU. Check to see if your video card meets the minimum requirements and install the latest drivers. Sometimes a black screen is the result of a lack of CPU performance.
If everything is fine with your hardware and it satisfies the minimum requirements, try to switch to another window (ALT + TAB), and then return to the game screen.
Moonbase Alpha is not installed. Installation hangs
First of all, check that you have enough space on the HDD for installation. Remember that to work properly installer requires the declared volume of space, plus 1-2 GB of additional free space on the system drive. In general, remember this rule – you must always have at least 2 gigabytes of free space on your system drive (usually it’s disk C) for temporary files. Otherwise, the games and the other software may not work correctly or even refuse to start.
Problems with the installation may also be due to the lack of an internet connection or it’s instability. Also, do not forget to stop the antivirus for the time game installation – sometimes it interferes with the correct file copy, or delete files by mistake, mistakenly believing they are viruses.
Saves not working in Moonbase Alpha
By analogy with the previous solution, check for free space on HDD - both on where the game is installed, and the system drive. Often your saves are stored in a folder of documents, which is separate from the game itself.
Controls not working in Moonbase Alpha
Sometimes the controls in game do not work because of the simultaneous connection of multiple input devices. Try disabling gamepad, or, if for some reason, you have two connected keyboards or mouses, leave only one pair of devices. If your gamepad does not work, remember - the games usually officially support only native Xbox controllers. If your controller is defined in system differently - try using software that emulates the Xbox gamepad (eg, x360ce - step by step manual can be found here).
Moonbase Alpha Music
No sound in Moonbase Alpha
Check if the sound works in other programs. Then check to see if the sound is turned off in the settings of the game, and whether there is correct audio playback device selected, which is connected your speakers or headset. After this check volumes in system mixer, it can also be turned off there.
Moonbase Alpha Port Forward For Sale
Dragon warrior enemy territory map. If you are using an external audio card - check for new drivers at the manufacturer's website.