How To Change Executable Path For A Jupyter Notebook Mac

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Jupyter configuration is based on the traitlets.config module.Essentially, each Jupyter application (e.g. notebook, ornbconvert) has a number of configurable values which:

  1. have default values
  2. can be altered form their default by values read from configuration files,which can bea) .json static filesb) .py config python scripts
  3. can be overridden by command-line arguments

How To Change Executable Path For A Jupiter Notebook Mac Os

Most users with a Python background take this workflow for granted. However, the PySpark+Jupyter combo needs a little bit more love than other popular Python packages. In this brief tutorial, I'll go over, step-by-step, how to set up PySpark and all its dependencies on your system and integrate it with Jupyter Notebook. Run and debug Jupyter notebook code cells. Code fragments in a Jupyter notebook file are structured as executable cells. Each cell is marked with the #%% comment and can be executed independently by clicking the icon in the gutter. To execute all cells at once, click on the Jupyter toolbar. For the target cell press Ctrl+Enter. Import sys sys.executable in my Python 3 console, the output is. Usr bin python3 and I'm able to import whatever libraries I've installed with pip3, no problem. When I do so in my Jupyter Notebook running a Python 3 kernel, the output is. Usr bin python and the libraries that I've installed with pip3 are inaccessible to me.

Jupyter config path¶

How To Change Executable Path For A Jupiter Notebook Machine

Jupyter applications search for configuration files in each directory in thejupyter config path. This path includes different locations in differentoperating systems, but you can use the root jupyter command to find a list ofall jupyter paths, and look for the config section:

How To Change Executable Path For A Jupiter Notebook Mac Download

There are at least three configuration directories

  1. a per-user directory
  2. a directory in the sys.prefix directory for the python installation inuse
  3. a system-wide directory

Note that it is likely that to write to the system-wide config directory willrequire elevated (admin) privileges. This may also be true for the sys-prefixdirectory, depending on the python installation in use.

Finally, you can also specify a configuration file as a command line argument,for example:

Note that this can change which filenames are searched for, as noted below.

Jupyter configuration filenames¶

Jupyter applications search the Jupyter config path for config fileswith names derived from the application name, with file extension of either.json (loaded as json) or .py (run as a python script).For example, the jupyternotebook application searches for config filescalled jupyter_notebook_config, while the jupyternbconvert applicationsearches for config files named jupyter_nbconvert_config, with the fileextensions mentioned above.In addition, all jupyter applications will load config files namedjupyter_config.json or

How To Change Executable Path For A Jupiter Notebook Macbook Pro

Specifying a config file on the command line has the additional slightly subtleeffect that it will also change the filename that the application searches for.For example, if I call the notebook using Shin koihime musou otome ryouran sangokushi engi english pc download.

How To Change Executable Path For A Jupyter Notebook Mac

then instead of searching the Jupyter config path for files namedjupyter_notebook_config, the notebook application will search the configpath for other files also named special_config_ftw, which can mean that thenormal config files get missed. As a result, it may be preferable to name anycustom config files with the standard filename for the jupyter application theypertain to.

Config files edited by jupyter_contrib_nbextensions¶

The jupytercontribnbextensionsinstall command edits some config files aspart of the install:

  • jupyter_notebook_config.json is edited in order to:
    • enable thejupyter_nbextensions_configurator.serverextension
    • enable the contrib_nbextensions_help_item nbextension, which addsa link to readthedocs to the help menu
  • jupyter_nbconvert_config.json is edited in order to:
    • edit the nbconvert template path, adding thejupyter_contrib_nbextensions.nbconvert_support templates directory
    • add preprocessors CodeFoldingPreprocessor andPyMarkdownPreprocessor from thejupyter_contrib_nbextensions.nbconvert_support module