Fallout 2 New Reno Arms
- Fallout 2 New Reno Arms Basement
- Fallout 2 New Reno Quests
- Fallout 2 New Reno Armstrong
- Fallout 2 New Reno Arms
- Fallout 2 New Reno Arms
- Reno New 2
- Fallout New Vegas New Reno
Broken Hills pt 2 i. San Francisco n. New Reno pt 2-1.) Character Creation: This character is going to be very tough to play early game, but will develop to be about as powerful as you can be. Simply take your new weapon to New Reno Arms, but dont enter from the main entrance. Instead make sure the salesman is in main entrance room, and sneak in the back, past the guard dogs and climb the stairs hidden behind a shelf. Down there you will encounter a man who will upgrade all of your weapons completely free. Renesco 'the Rocketman' is the proprietor of the eponymous Renesco's Pharmacy in New Reno in Fallout 2. The only downside is that your karma will say 'Grave Digger' and it may go down. Unlimited money: - Successfully complete the game and read the Fallout 2 book so that your Gambling is 300%. Go to the New Reno casinos and to the roulette table. Bet $100 and you will always triple your money to $300. If you head along the side of New Reno Arms you will find a door (Not the main one to the building) it will be locked. Pick the lock and walk into the building and then into the next room (There should be a dog inside barking at you). If you head behind. More Goonies Caption - 4.8 /10 with 50 votes.
I feel like doing a writeup for a great way to play fallout 2 as a diplomat who moves on to being a super gunslinging badass later in the game. If you haven't played fallout 2, I really think you should. It's one of my favorite RPGs, about tied with baldurs gate 2. Well, here goes! (P.S. I'm going to keep it short and simple at first, then expand it out if I feel motivated to later.) I will assume you are playing with killapp's restoration project 2.1.2b+, and the lootable armor mod (both available on NMA if you can't find them I could file transfer them to you)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Table of contents:
1.) Character Creation:
2.) Diplomat Walkthrough:
a. Arroyo
b. Klamath
c. The Den
d. Modoc

e. Vault City
f. Broken Hills
g. New Reno
h. Broken Hills pt 2
i. N.C.R.
j. Vault 15
k. Vault 13
l. N.C.R. pt 2
m. San Francisco
n. Navarro
o. New Reno pt 2
1.) Character Creation:
This character is going to be very tough to play early game, but will develop to be about as powerful as you can be. I'm going to utilize a couple tricks, such as tagging small guns when it's already extremely high (near200%) then reallocating skill points to max out other skills. I'm going to assume you don't mind a little grinding at the end of the game and that you want to complete every area. Expect to be around level 33 before going to the enclave base without grinding.
I will be playing as a female to have sex with a few NPCs to help me out. This prevents you from boxing in new reno but allows you to be a porn star instead. (Possibly mordinos aren't interested in women in their mid 20's so keep the number between 19 and 22 to be safe.)
Optimal Traits: Fast Shot, Gifted.
Alternate Traits: Finesse, Gifted. -> Mutate! -> Fast Shot, Gifted.
Don’t feel bad about fast shot, with the low guns skill you’re going to have for the first few levels, you’re not going to want to do aimed shots and you’ll be glad for the extra shots anyways. It also saves you from having to mutate finesse into fast shot later on for the optimal damage per turn.
Tag Skills: Lockpick, Science, Speech
Starting Stats: S. 3 P. 8 E. 8 C. 6 I. 6 A. 9 L.7
Developed Stats: S. 9 P. 10 E. 10 C. 6 I. 8 A. 10 L.10 (all implants, all gain stat perks except ch, NCR zeta scan, adv power armor) S. 8 P. 9 E. 9 C. 6 I. 7 A. 10 L.10 (assuming all implants, NCR zeta scan, adv power armor, and gain agility and gain luck)
The reason I pick these stats is because I don't mind doing drugs, or even being addicted to buffout, and developed stats will be very high.
General strategy. This character is not going to rely on science skill point books. We want to complete areas possible for a diplomat early, then move to combat areas later on when we have a high hit point pool and good offensive perks.
Get speech to 100%, then lockpick to 101%, then science to 100%. You should be picking up and purchasing every 'guns and bullets' magazine you can any chance you get to an area where there is one. We won't be putting points into guns till it is at almost 100%. http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Guns_and_ .. _(Fallout)
Perk Progression:
Awareness -> Magnetic Personality -> Better Criticals -> Gain Agility -> Bonus Rate of Fire -> Action Boy/Tag! -> Action Boy/Tag! -> Sniper -> Gain Luck!/Tag! -> Gain Perception!/Tag! -> After this it's a free for all.
Postponing tag till as late as you're willing to go to the enclave to finish the game is the best practice for building the most well rounded and godly endgame character, it's going to be boring once you have a little over 100% in lockpick, speech, and science, cause all you'll be doing is dumping points into small guns, but once you do finally get to Tag!, hit small guns, and reallocate points to boost science and repair to 150%, boost doctor and first aid to 75%, possibly boost throwing to about 110%, and boost energy weapons/big guns to a very high number. This tag skill at the end will give you upwards of 500 skill points to allocate, so it really renders the fact you didnt have 10 int kinda silly for skill point purposes.
2.) Diplomat Walkthrough:
a. Arroyo
We won't spend too long here. Because our character is weak, 2 str, we don't want to bother fighting the ants. There's not much of a need anyways, as at 25 exp each it isn't much worth the time of the chosen one. Forget the traps too. Also, forget the spore plants and geckos unless you want to spend all day going back to haukinn and getting healed. I recommend getting the shovel near your aunt and keeping it with you for a while.
I. Use the plastic explosives in the pot to destroy the door that can't be unlocked, when you get to the end and run into the tribal tell him you need to prepare for the fight, instead you're going to pickpocket the key and open the door with that to bypass the fight entirely.
II. Go steal from your aunt to get the flint.
III. Fix the well.
IV. Talk to smoke's owner and go rescue him. (don't engage geckos, you're a diplomat for now.)
V. Get meele and unarmed skill from the guy by the statue.
VI. Get a sharpened spear from the man in front of the bridge.
VII. Head out to Klamath.
b. Klamath
Talk to the people around the town. There's a man in the golden gecko who will offer more meele training for free. Not too much notable loot but go ahead and pillage if you feel you must.
I. Talk to the woman in the shop directly to your right when you enter the town until she tells you to find smiley. (don't do it now, you'll get wrecked.)
II. Guard the brahmin/Rustle the brahmin. I find rustling them then helping torr is more interesting but it's a pathetic reward either way.
III. Refuel the still for whiskey bob. He's near the woman who told you about smiley. Use wood on the still once and run back. (you probably want to just run past the geckos.)
IV. Purchase Sulik if you have the money. (You will need him for random encounters early on.)
V. We won't be killing the rat infestation right away, It's very tedious because rats are easy to miss with low guns skill, but if you want to put the time and effort into it now, go ahead.
VI. Directly north of the shop with the woman who told you about smiley is a shack with a locked back door. Repeatedly use the traps skill to remove the bomb on the door then unlock it and grab the stuff on the bookshelf, especially the radio.
VII. Head out to the den.

Fallout 2 New Reno Arms Basement
The den has lots of kids who will pickpocket you when you walk in and out of shops. Don't stop in doorways. There is also a quest about eliminating a group of metzger's guards who may be tough for your character at this point in the game. Don't worry. You're a diplomat so don't feel bad.
I. Talk to becky inside the building with the dice tables. She will have you collect a debt from a beggar and get a book. Do these to get a little cash, the book is found either in the graveyard, near the outhouse far north, behind a wall east of metzger's place in some grass, or near a barrel south of the graveyard. (depending on how you solve the beggar quest you might only come out even but exp is exp for a diplomat. I reccomend only taking 100 bucks cause you get a nice laugh on returning to the den later.)
II. Do the run back and forth for the people in metal armor across the street from beckys. They want to work for metzger, and they are the good guys cause metzger is an evil slaver. Help em out, but stop before you go to the fight.
III. Deliver the food to smitty from mom, when you talk to mom ask the man drinking in the back what his story is, he's important in modoc.
IV. Head to the kid in the small square house in the southern section of the den accessible below the bunker and ghost girl. Talk to him about his dad and do the small quest to get the orphanage running. With 80%+ speech at this point you should also be able to get the homeless people jobs taking care of the kids.
V. Sleep with metzger, take the guns and bullets magizine from his room, and purchase vic.
IV. Head out east into the mountains towards modoc. There's not a whole lot left here for you.
d. Modoc
Modoc is an interesting small town, and there are a few quests, but they all seem to kind of turn out badly except for dealing with the slags. If you ask the man in the general store you get a quest which has you running back and fourth to get the peaceful ending for the slags and modoc. Seduce your potential husband/wife if you like now. He/she will be good cannon foodder for the trip ahead. Head out east again through the mountains towards vault city.
e. Vault City
Vault City has a bit of appeal for those who want to break new reno. Personally I think doing the citizenship test (10 luck, 10 int, 10 per) is hilarious so I always opt to do that rather than fix gecko's power plant right away. (that can wait till later when we can handle combat because there is a way to wrangle up some enclave troopers.) Don't attempt to become a citizen yet or enter the vault. No need anyways.
I. If you have radaway go help out puking charlie. Poor guy.
II. Talk to the families in the courtyard, One needs a plow available at the shop, and a woman's husband has been made a slave. Help both these people out.
III. Cassidy is in his bar, if you ask him about how bad it is you can get your third good follower. DON'T GIVE HIM DRUGS TILL AFTER THE EPA!
IV. Get a day pass by any means nessicary, if you get naked your vault suit impresses the vault citizens, and go get the books in the data storage area. Head past the two small shops and take a left at the servant allocation center.
V. Talk to moore and get the breifcase. Don't report him, at least not yet. It'll make your life a little more difficult.
VI. We can come back later. There's no need to complete everything at once. Head south along the right side of the map towards broken hills.
f. Broken Hills
Broken hills has a few good shops, a thriving caravan business, and some interesting quests. If you have the shovel with you, you can beat the intelligent radscorpion with a few tricks from the plant if you help him out. Don't investigate Chad too much, the caravans will be very helpful for you traveling early on.
I. Ask marcus if you can do any work for him. He needs chad investigated, the mine fixed, and murders investigated. Feel free to do the latter two of these. Once you know about mine parts don't go straight to reno, just let that sit.
II. Shovel some shit or help people around town if a caravan to N.C.R. is close when it comes around take it, if not head out to new reno.
Fallout 2 New Reno Quests

g. New Reno
New reno is pretty big. I'm gonna help you become a made man with all the families. Go talk to each of the four and get their first quest but don't get too into it until you have all of them. It's advisable to make a clean save when you enter reno the first time because sometimes I can't get all the families to let me work for them. (Possibly mordinos aren't interested in women in their mid 20's).
I. Once you have all 4 of the quests, solve the case for the rights with the jet overdose (when you figured out that it was poisoned jet with radscorpion venom that was given by the Salvatores you found out everything there is to find. This puts the S.A.D. on your map, don't bother going there yet, the turrets are likely to rape you. (Optional, it may be a good idea for you to go to the S.A.D. without NPCS and pick up the sniper rifle near the hole in the fence to the left then dart out.)
II. Do some work for the salvatores. All the way up through the enclave transaction but don't hand in the last quest.
III. Offer to help out the bishops, but don't really assassinate westin yet.
IV. Work for the mordinos enough till you are told to kill mr salvatore. Stop here.
V. Get the mine parts and give renesco the glasses to get a discount at his store. You can probably find some guns and bullets magazines in the new reno arms shop.
VI. This is a nice time to pick up myron if you have managed to get your science to about 100, if not, we can get him later.
VII. Buy the vault parts from new reno arms. these are important.

h. Broken Hills pt 2
Don't bring your npcs into the mine. They are a bitch to keep alive due to poisonous gas. Don't be afraid to run straight past the bugs and drink a lot of stimpacks from your inventory. there is poisonous gas. If you're a scaredy cat you can wait till we have the EPA gas mask.)
If you haven't yet taken a caravan to N.C.R. that means it's up to you, either run down there with your npc possie and hope you dont run into any packs of tough raiders or mutants or take a trip with a caravan. Waiting around isn't an issue, we have about 12 years of gametime before it's all over. (hehe, the game never really makes you lose for being too slow doing the main quest, but after 12 years it just kind of ends. I've never had it happen but i've read about it online. Give it a try if you want, One time I thought i'd get to the 12 year mark and i was already about level 50 after only 3 years, and I was very tired of that playthrough.) See you kids in teh N.C.R.
i. N.C.R.
Quite a few quests here, most importantly are the ones that you can get from tandi, and the weird brain allignment. It's possible to get a bad one, so save before and repeat till you get a +2 luck, putting you at 9 if you're following my build. I wouldn't worry about finishing too many quests except possibly talking the depressed police officer out of blowing himself up and joining the rangers but not doing a whole lot about it. Vault 15 and 13 are more pressing concerns. If you don't have any dynamite you should pick some up. It speeds up the process.
j. Vault 15
Small shanty town. Kind of a shit hole. Only a couple quests here.
I. Talk to the woman in the middle of town about her daughter. Save her daughter from the rapists in the shack on the second map screen to the right, one has a sniper rifle and you're going to have to kill her.
II. This rifle will come in handy. By now both vic and cassidy should have sniper rifles, and sulik should have a nice 10mm smg with AP ammo or a 14mm pistol. You wont have much armor yet, but the first combat armor is in the vault. Give it to sulik or keep it for yourself.
III. Head into the house above the raped girl's tent. Talk to the guy and ask about an NCR alliance. The rest of his options arent of much importance unless you don't want to use dynamite. I say just blow up the door inside and use the ladder to go down into the vault. Coolest way anyways.
IV. In the vault if anyone asks who you are tell them you're called pat. Strangely they must get a lot of new recruits if people just believe that. Fix the generator on the second level (science check then repair with vic), the top left room is where the combat armor is found. The two working computers in the left side of the bottom level are where you get info about vault 13 and turn off the force fields.
V. Get the computer parts from the vault storage room, and if you're brave you can hug the southern wall in darions room to go to the terminal and learn about the spy without fighting.
VI. Head to vault 13 (optional, if you don't head here quite yet it allows you to do some planting in arroyo with knowledge and seeds form the E.P.A. You don't ever have to pick up the geck from this location anyways.)
k. Vault 13
If you decided to come here, you want to make sure you have an open companion slot first, because unless you pick up the deathclaw companion he is gone forever. He's pretty cool, and he is fun to have when you go back to do the non diplomat quests later. The parts from reno fix the computer for the death claws.
l. N.C.R. pt 2
Tandi will pay you shit loads of money for the computer parts found in vault 15 and the info on feargus. That's all for now.
m. San Francisco
San Francisco is the main city of fallout 2, with the highest level shops and the brotherhood base. It also features two opposing factions that can be interesting to pit against eachother; the hubologists and the shi. You can practice unarmed here if you like.
I. We won't be doing much on this visit except shopping and learning about Navarro from the brotherhood and dropping off all our NPC's and any unnessicary loot we are carrying. (stock up on buffout)
II. Save in a separate slot and head out for the enclave base. A good method of getting there involves saving and reloading alot, but basically how it works is that you travel only a square at a time (or a half a square) and enter the empty landscape, save then run out and repeat. This allows you to get through tough areas without doing random encounters that diplomats simply can't handle.
III. If you did wind up seducing one of the people in modoc and geting married, now's a good time to make sure they are dead or you are divorced. Navarro isn't going to be very friendly if you have company.
n. Navarro
Navarro is your first meeting with the enclave, the remnants of the U.S. government. They are pretty corrupt but not pure evil. They have just lost touch with the rest of the world due to their isolationism. I kind of feel bad for them, but they have to die. But there is another combat armor here for one of your NPCs. Lucky them, you always take care of your friends.
I. apon meeting chris (why is chris the only one who wears a robe like the children of the cathedral or the abbey monks?) ask him if this is where the enclave is and ask to join.
II. Stumble down the rocky path and enter, give the guard the password and then tell the commander that you were told to get armor at navarro.
III. Go get the armor from the armory in the underground level, it's fairly simple and most base employees will tell you the location. (buffout time, you want everything here, and more! with 2x buffout and the advanced power armor you shoudl be at 275 carry weight)
IV. As the cook in the building across from the commander every single option that you can ask him. Then head into the building where the commander was and talk to a white shirt about vertibirds, but don't be TOO suspicious. You just want to learn where the plans are kept.
V. Go talk to the mechanic, quincy, in the garage with the car. Tell him a tech sent you to get plans and you should get them without much trouble. Loot anything interesting here as well. There's a super toolkit and super sledge you probably want.
VI. Go talk to the other mechanic, raul, and pick a fight. It's an interesting sequence, and you need to get the K-9 motivator.
VII. Downstairs again you can get the robodog pet if you're willing to kill your first 'innocent', the doctor in the room with the dog. First ask about the deathclaw and do what you will with him (I reccomend not releasing him until you're ready to wipe out the base.), but fixing the dog is nice. I like robo dogs. You could even get one in the NCR, and DOGMEAT, and the pariah dog! Hell the deathclaw follower looks a little like a lizardy dog. That'd be FIVE animal NPC's. You could be a regular old dog lady if you wanted to be, but it'd be tough work for a diplomat keeping five meele NPC's alive.
IIX. If you managed to learn about the FOB from talking to people on teh base you can tell the guard at the commander's door that you are here to pick it up and they will believe you with a speech check. Take it, nice exp.
IX. You're about done here soldier. Time to save and head on back to san-fran with the plans, pick up your npcs, and dump some of the loot that you have picked up in shops to get more books and drugs. I opt not to turn in the plans yet, but that's just because I like to save the plans for my 'final' npcs so they get a level or two without grinding.
X. Once you have dropped everything off and picked up your friends again you should head up to new reno to get myron.
p. New Reno pt 2

We are at the end of what we want to do as a diplomat. I suppose it's even possible to do the E.P.A. as a diplomat (I suppose since plants technically are okay to kill if you're being peaceful.) Same with the S.A.D. if you're not worried about killing turrets and robots, and the slime-ification of one human. At this point in the game we could go off to the enclave and end the game, but I figure you want to accomplish EVERYTHING the game has to offer, in one playthrough, so lets do that! BTW Yeah, I skipped redding, but you know why, because we're playing diplomat right now, and we simply had no reason to go there, it was too far out of our way. How many people have we killed? A half dozen? Not too many considering we've seen most of the world. You should be in the low teens with your character level. Possibly mid teens if you handed in the vertibird plans or picked up the geck in vault 13. with your posse of 4 (or 5 if you like the robo dog) you'll be able to mop up the dangerous quests up in the north with ease! Your smooth talking days are mostly over, and now it's time to live by the gun.
We all know skillpoints are usually plentiful, but when you play hardcore you should have a full ten points in endurance, and still maintain respectable amounts of agility (should be 10), strength, and perception.
Intelligence will likely be suffering from this, and therefore your skills will aswell. One good way to help this is to become a book worm. Don't put points in skills that can be raised by books - you will be glad when you can raise those untagged doctor, speech or lockpick and still be able to heal yourself, be able to spot encounters on the map (and therefore choose not to be raped by the really dangerous ones), repair machines and use those computer thingies.
So here we compile a list of known books.
Books raise a skill by a number depending on your current skill level, ranging from 6-7 at low skill levels (20-30%) to 1-2 (70-90%). You get twice that amount if the skill is tagged. This stops at 91% (or 92% if you raise a tagged skill from 90%). Reading a book takes from 1 to 10 hours depending on your Intelligence (i.e. 11-IN).
Fallout 2 New Reno Armstrong
Which books raise which skills?
- Guns and Bullets - Small Guns
- Deans Electronics - Repair
- Scout Handbook - Outdoorsman
- Big Book of Science - Science (duh)
- First Aid Book - First Aid (hurrrrr)
- Not all areas are included, just add them if you find knowledge about books in them. If you are unsure of where in the list to add the new area, please refer to the alphabet.
Gecko[editedit source]
Big Book of Science: Acquire some science goodness from the bookshelves in the manager's office (Harold's house).
Deans Electronics: North part of Gecko, in western part of Skeet's repair shop. Loot ahoy!
Klamath[editedit source]
Guns and Bullets: As you enter Klamath, follow the street past the Buckner house. You'll see a small field of corn, with a house immediately south of it. Head on in and check the bookcase. You'll find some minor valuables and a Guns & Ammo magazine.
Scout Handbook: One of the kids in Trapper Town (eastern part of Klamath) has a Scout Handbook. Steal it from him/her, nothing bad happens if you get cought trying.
Outdoorsman Upgrade: Talk to Smiley after you rescue him from the Caves.
Unarmed and Melee Upgrade: Talk to John Sullivan and play along with his joke, then say he's pulling your leg. This man gives you a 10% upgrade no matter your skill level (no more than 300%, of course). This makes him great for getting from 140 to 150 instead of spending lots of skill points.
Military Base[editedit source]
Deans Electronics: Outside of the base, southernmost tent. It's just lying around on the floor there. Beware wolves.
Deans Electronics: Another one, also on the outside of the base. North western tent.
Modoc[editedit source]
First Aid Book: The bookcase behind Grisham.
Guns and Bullets: Go out east of Grisham's house, into the outhouse. There's a Small Guns book next to the toilet.
New Reno[editedit source]
Deans Electronics: Back room of New Reno Arms (in the western-most part of New Reno) can be entered if you have a bit of lockpicking skills. You can also blast it open with a bomb. There are major amounts of good loot here, as well as a wonderful blue book.
Guns and Bullets: The other back room in New Reno Arms, but you'll either have to kill the owner or sneak past the dogs. It's in one of the smaller bookcases that a dog stands in front of.
Deans Electronics: In Boss Salvatore's room, north side, in a bookcase.
Scout Handbook: Renesco has one, barter for it.
Prizefighter: Becoming a prize fighter will give you a slight bonus to unarmed, and each match will increase your resistance to normal damage by giving you 3 soak and 1% immunity per fight. The damage resistance is more than worth it. You can play five matches in all if you lose one of them (easily done by kicking the masticator when you meet him).
Redding[editedit source]
Scout Handbook: In an abandoned building on the easternmost map, south side, on a bookcase. This map is most easily recognizable as Frog Morton's hideout's map. There's lots of mutated rats around.
Scout Handbook: In the Kokoweef mine headquarters, in a bookshelf in the first room.
Scout Handbook: Mines area, western part of town. A bookshelf in a house to the south west. There'll be traps and enemies here if you have the Frog Morton quest, mutated animals unless you've killed them already.
Scout Handbook: Malamute Saloon, in a modern-looking bookcase in the back.
Guns and Bullets: Mayor Ascorti's office in the back of the casino (enter through the Wanamingo Mine).
San Fran[editedit source]
Vendor: The shop to the left as you pass the main archway sells many, many books. Careful of the 'Chemistry Journals', however, which are totally useless (used only in Fallout 1) and look like Big Book of Science. 'Power Armor Manual' is also useless.
Sierra Army Depot[editedit source]
Unarmed Upgrade: Use each punching bag for a total bonus of +10% in Unarmed, or +8% if you have that skill tagged. There is controversy over whether or not you actually get more if the skill is untagged. Confirmation is required. It's a free unarmed upgrade, at any rate.
2 First Aid Books: First floor, room as far South-East as you can get, in a desk.
Guns and Bullets: First floor, barracks locker.
2x Big Book of Science, 1x Deans Electronics, 1x First Aid Book: Third floor, room to the South-East
Deans Electronics: Third floor, room as far to the North-West as you can get.
The Den[editedit source]
Guns and Bullets: Get the Guns n Ammo book from the house in which Lara's gang is holed up in.
Fallout 2 New Reno Arms
Vault City[editedit source]
Vendor: The main amenities office will sell you books to increase your repair and science skills. This man restocks ever 3-5 days, and will probably be your primary resource for books throughout the midgame.
Free: Go into the information center, talk to the guy there and tell him you like the solidity of a book in your hands. You will get books to increase your repair and science skills if your intelligence is high enough. If it isn't, using mentats is an option.
Scout Handbook: Get down into the vault, to the storage level. In one of these rooms you will find the yellow book we love so much. It's behind a locked door.
Fallout 2 New Reno Arms
Big Book of Science: Same as the Scout Handbook above. This one's behind a door unlocked by default.
Reno New 2
First Aid Book: This one is in the lowest level of the vault in the room with lots of lockers, the door to the room is locked.
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